Once again the students were put into groups and told their task. They had to design and make a way of protecting an egg from cracking when being dropped from just over a metre height. Each group was given 4 paper napkins, 4 straws, some string and some sellotape. They had to decide upon and draw their design first, then they were given their materials to begin building, before finally being given the egg to finish off their "protection".
Some groups decide they would wrap the napkins around the eggs and put lots of sellotape on to help keep it safe. Other groups attempted to make frames/holders for egg using the straws before wrapping those in the napkins. Some groups even attempted parachutes to slow the egg down when falling as well as wrapping the egg up.
Soon it was time to test out each groups designs. One at a time each group climbed the steps outside Room 19 and dropped their eggs on the ground. Mrs Buchanan was in charge of checking whether the eggs had survived or cracked/smashed. Two groups managed to drop their eggs without them breaking.
The students had a lot of fun making and testing their designs. The task involved some critical thinking, fine motor and team work skills and the students did a great job.
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