Term 3 Notices
Notices have gone home reminding parents about an early pick up on Friday 9th September so that teachers are able to attend the Union Meeting about the government proposals for Bulk Funding. Please let the office know if you are unable to collect your child at 12.30pm so that alternative arrangements can be made.
Reminder that this Friday is Disco time. Year 0-3 starts at 6pm and runs for an hour. Please return the form and money by Thursday.
Term 2 Notices
Dear Parents / caregivers,
Keeping Ourselves Safe
We have started the Keeping Ourselves Safe sessions in class, and as part of the programme students receive home learning activities to complete. We understand that as we will be completing 2 or 3 sessions a week that means a lot of extra home learning. It is really important that the Keeping Ourselves Safe activities are completed at home, as not only does it reinforce what we have discussed in class but also allows you to find out what your children have been learning. I also understand that sometimes getting home learning completed can be a struggle, therefore I am happy whilst this programme runs for these activities to be the only Home Learning completed instead of the usual sheet, although this will still go home on Fridays.
Kind regards
Claire Kelly
Week 8
Performance Assembly - Thursday 23rd June at 2pm - all welcome!
School Disco - Friday 27th May 6pm - 7pm
Please return forms and money either directly to the office to to Mrs Kelly by Thursday.
Cross Country
Year 1 - 3 Cross Country Day is Wednesday 1st June (weather permitting).
Performance Assembly - Week 11
Next Thursday (14th) there is a performance assembly at school which parents and caregivers are invited too. The assembly will start around 2.15pm so be here early to get seats as these assemblies are normally very popular. Hope to see you there!
Easter Weekend 
A reminder to all parents and caregivers that school is closed for Easter from Friday 25th March until Tuesday the 29th March. School will reopen on Wednesday 30th March. Have a safe and enjoyable extra long weekend!
Room 20's library day is on Tuesday. Children are allowed 2 books out from the library at any time and we encourage them to take a reading level appropriate fiction book and a non-fiction book. They will need to bring their books with them on a Tuesday for our library session. Books can also be returned to the library at lunchtimes during the week and a new book issued at that time.
Room 20 will be swimming on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Weeks 1 - 4 of Term 1.
Please bring togs and towel and goggles if required on those days. If your child is unable to swim due to illness or injury please let myself know via email or a short note.
In week 3 the Kawau Team (Rooms 19, 20 and 21) will be hosting the school assembly. This will take place on Thursday 18th February at 2pm in the school hall and all parents and families are invited to come and watch. We are busy learning a song and creating some lovely artwork to display and would love to see you there.
School Picnic
On Friday 12th February the school is holding a "Meet The Teacher Evening". Bring along a picnic and meet other parents and then come along to your child's classroom and hear a short presentation about our learning this year.
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