Friday 3 June 2016


On Thursday afternoon Room 20 had some special visitors - the students in the newest class at school, Room 7.

We have been assigned Room 7 as our buddy class and everyone was looking forward to being the "big buddies" and meeting all the new students.

We decided that it would be a good time to remind students about staying healthy and ways we can prevent germs spreading.

We started by reading a Charlie and Lola book called "I'm really ever so not well" and talking about ways that Lola might have caught her cold.  Then we simulated a sneeze by spraying water from a bottle on the students - this helped us see how many people were "touched" by just one sneeze and it also allowed us to see the "sneeze" droplets floating in the air.  Next Noah and one of the Room 7 students washed their hands dried them a little and then they cupped their hands as though they were sneezing into them and we sprinkled glitter on their hands.  The glitter was our sneeze germs and they shook hands with 3 other students to show how far germs spread.  Those 3 people then shook hands with another 3 students and so on until our germs had spread a long way.

Next we discussed what we could do to stop our germs spreading, and how to be "Sneezesafe", including watching this cool video:

Sneezesafe Video

Finally, we conducted our own experiment using bread.  We put a piece of bread that no-one touched into a sandwich bag.  Then Brianna from Room 7 washed and dried her hands and picked another piece of bread into a second sandwich bag.  Finally we passed a third piece of bread around the class so everyone touched it and put that in a third bag.

We asked the students which piece of bread they thought had the most germs and what they thought would happen to the bread.  In total 26 students thought the bread which everyone touched would turned really moldy and 2 students were undecided.

The 3 pieces of bread are now on our classroom wall and we will keep track of what happens to our bread as the days go by!

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