Friday 3 June 2016

Band Aids Poem

This morning we completed a fun activity using our poem of the week called Band Aids.

The poem was about a person who stuck lots of band aids on different parts of their body and then revealed that they didn't actually have a cut or sore.  We had fun reciting the poem and pointing to the different parts of our bodies where the band aids were being put by the narrator.

Then I split the students into groups or 5 and 6 and gave each group 3 big pieces of paper.  Their job was to draw round one of the members of their group, colour the "person" in and then cut up pieces of coloured paper to make the band aids and stick them on to the correct parts of their drawing.  Finally they had to add up how many band aids were used in total.

The students had lots of fun working out which member of their group was going to fit on the paper and then drawing around them.  Next they decided on outfits for their person and then they had to cut out the band aids and make sure they had the right amount in the correct place.

It was a really good lesson in team work, and after some initial disagreements everyone worked well to get their drawing finished with some fabulous outfits being created.

Two "people" and a copy of the poem are now gracing our bag area outside Room 20.

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