Friday 8 April 2016

Dotty about Maths

This morning in our maths time we learnt to play a new game called Dotty 6.

First of all the students watched a short video which showed someone playing the game.  The challenge for the students was to work out, from watching the game being played, what the rules were.  We watched the video twice to help us understand how to play and then I went over the rules and played a game on the board with Julia as my opponent.  

Many students observed that it was a little bit like Naughts and Crosses.  The object of the game is to get three boxes in a row filled with 6 dots.  It is played in pairs and each player takes turns at rolling a dice.  The number you roll is the number of dots you are able to draw in each box up to a maximum of 6 dots.  If you roll for example a 5 you have to put all 5 dots into 1 box, you cannot put 3 dots in one box and 2 in another.  The winner is the person who completes a line of 3 boxes full of 6 dots.

I paired the students up and they sat down and began to play.  I had suggested they keep a score of how many games each player had won so they drew a chart to keep track.

Before the lesson ended everyone came and sat back down and we discussed whether it was a game of luck or skill, whether there was a number that was rolled more than others (5!) and whether that made the game harder or easier.

All the students agreed it was a really fun game to play and we will add it in to our maths tumble as an activity for groups to play.

If you would like to have a go at home this link takes you to the video the students watched and the rules. Dotty 6 video and rules

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