Thursday, 24 November 2016

Kids Biz Christmas Show

We were very lucky to have a little excursion out of school today as we had been invited to be the audience for Kid Biz kindy's Christmas show dress rehearsal.

We had our morning tea early and walked with Room 21 and Mrs Ye, Mrs Abbot and Mrs Broadfoot down to the kindy.

What a treat we had!  The show was fantastic and made us all feel so joyful and Christmassy.  It began with a Haka and Poi dance.  Then they performed "The Littlest Christmas Tree' musical, and ending with 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.

Many of our students had previously attended Kids Biz, so it was lovely for them to go back and visit and see teachers they knew.  I was really proud of how well our students behaved representing Torbay school, and what a fantastic audience they were.

When we arrived back at school we set to work writing and decorating thank-you cards to take to the kindy.

It may only be the 24th November, but it's suddenly beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Torbay Idol

Yesterday the Kawau team got together to hold auditions for Year 3 students who wanted to take part in our annual Torbay Idol competition.

We had 12 acts who took to the stage to show us their talents including dancing, singing, acting and playing instruments.  Ka pai to all of you for showing courage and dedication in your performances.

The teachers looked for performers who we could see had put effort into their act and had spent time perfecting their routines / songs etc.  We also picked people who entertained us and the rest of the audience.


The following acts have made it through to the semi-finals which will be judged on Monday lunchtime by Miss Mitschak.  Please remember costumes and music for Monday, and keep practicing!

Well done: Isla (Rm 20), Isobel / Gemma and Amy (Rm 20, 19 &8), Sienna (Rm 21)  and Sophie, Neve and Olivia (Rm 21).

Good luck, we hope to be cheering you on again in the finals next Friday!

Pumpkin Update

We had some sad news with our pumpkin growing efforts.  Unfortunately on Halloween night some people came into school and tipped out several of our pots that were growing - a bit of a mean trick.

Although Mrs Ye and I tried to re pot those seeds in the morning, it has become obvious that some of the seeds were lost as we have a few empty pots as well as ones with nice seedlings.

On a more positive note we were very lucky to have some spare New World seed kits brought in so those who's pumpkins didn't grow will be able to plant these up as a replacement.  The children will bring their pumpkins home on Friday so they have a chance to be planted and grow, as I think any actual pumpkins are a few weeks away yet and term will have ended before we see any results.


A huge welcome to our new student Ruby who joined us on Monday.  We're really happy to have you here Ruby, and we hope you'll enjoy spending the rest of the term in Room 20.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016


Twenty five excited children boarded a bus this morning and headed to the Zoo.  The bus was filled with excited chattering about what we would see, with anticipation about lions, tigers, elephants and giraffes.

When we arrived we were met by our fabulous Zoo educators, Frazer, John and Kirsty, and after a quick snack, we headed to Te Wao Nui to start our sessions.  We first went into the Nocturnal house where we were told about Kiwi, how they are endemic to New Zealand, and about the pests that endanger them.  We got to see a kiwi  walking around, and learnt about their tiny wings, their clever feathers and who looks after the eggs.
Next we moved into the forest, and were lucky enough to see a Kaka, Parakeets, a Tui, a Saddleback, a Kereru and a Bellbird.  Then we went into the Rotoroa Island section and learnt about the pests that damage our trees and hurt New Zealand's birds and animals - we all jumped when the possom trap was set off with a loud bang!

After morning tea we split into our groups and set off exploring.  We saw Monkeys, Tamarinds, Galapagos Tortoises, Alligators, Lemurs, Pygmy Marmosets, Parrots, Otters, Meerkats and Seals as well as having a close up encounter with one of the Tigers - and all this before lunch.

Over lunch we played on the dragon at the playground and then set off again for our final explore.  Off we went to Africa visiting the Pridelands, seeing the Giraffes, Ostriches, Zebras, Lions, Meerkats, Lovebirds, baby Tortoises, Rhino, Springbok and the elephants Burma and Anjalee.  Next we saw the Cheetahs, Baboons, Serval and the Keas before heading back again via the Seals and the Penguins to catch our bus back to school.

We had a wonderful day exploring and there were some tired children on the bus home, our pedometers were definitely working overtime today!

A huge thank you to our parents helpers, your time was greatly appreciated.

Please encourage your child to complete the home learning activity about the zoo over the next week. Enjoy the photos!

Kawau Trip to the Zoo on PhotoPeach