This term our main writing focus is instructional writing. Although we have done a little bit of instructional writing across the year (Pom Pom poppers and How Colby Works) this term we will be completing more instructional writing activities.
We got underway today with a brainstorm to remind us of how instructions help us (to build/ make things), where we find instructions (recipes / toys) and the structure of how to write instructions (Title, equipment needed, steps etc.)
I then explained our task... we are having a class competition to see who can grow the biggest pumpkin by the end of term.
As the students wrote up our WALT, created their own titles and wrote down the equipment needed I took each group outside to plant up their pumpkin seeds. As a group we discussed the different steps we were taking: putting compost into the pot, patting the compost down, adding the pumpkin seed, filling the pot up with more compost etc. Then when the students had completed the task they labelled the pots before finishing off the work in their books.
When everyone had planted their seeds we had a group photo and then carefully positioned the pots on our outside step where they'll get plenty of sunshine and we can water them easily.
Mrs Buchanan has reserved us a vege bed in the school grounds, so when our seedlings have grown we can transfer them to give them a chance to get really big.
Later in the term we will look at some yummy pumpkin recipes and then pumpkins will be coming home for you to enjoy!
We will keep you updated with the progress of our pumpkin plants!
Planting Pumpkin Seeds on PhotoPeach