Sunday, 14 August 2016

Goodbye Annabella!

On Friday we were very sad to say goodbye to Annabella.  Her family is moving to Blenheim for an exciting new adventure.  Don't forget to keep in touch Annabella, and we hope that you and Isabella enjoy making new friends and finding a great new school.

Hands Alive

On Friday the 5th August the Kawau team welcomed Christine from Hands Alive Puppet Theatre to perform a show and tell us a little about puppets.

After morning tea we went down to the hall and watched enthralled as Christine brought several puppets to life including a Gingerbread Mouse and cat as well as a family of puppet people.  When the show had finished Christine came out and explained how she makes the puppets come alive.  Then she chose several students to come and try out some of her puppets.  She had a large range of glove and rod puppets.

Since then the students have been busy finding information, and comparing the different types of puppets.  This week they will choose what type of puppet they want to make and will begin to design their puppet and decide on the materials they will need to create it.

We look forward to showing off our amazing puppet creations at the Art Exhibition in Week 8 of this term.

Hands Alive Puppet Show on PhotoPeach